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Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC

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Covet NYC opens the second and improved model floor and office in a new luxury space in the heart of Midtown. More than a model floor, it’s a special staging project where you can find 12 luxury brands of interior design all represented by Covet House. Take a look at the inspiring living room furniture you’ll get to discover at NYC’s most coveted staging project!

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Heritage Sideboard

Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

Hand-painted-tiles have gained a privileged place in architecture throughout the centuries. Portugal has adopted them as no other country has and, in order to honor the Portuguese hand-painted tiles, the Heritage sideboard was created. This piece presents a different number of layers, where each one tells a different story.

Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0


    Diamond Big Mirror

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    Diamond is a full-length version of the diamond-shaped wall mirror, covering about 70 inches of the wall. Since it is crafted in a polished brass structure, it produces a tall sleek design, merging geometry and design on the same object. Mid-century modern anyone?

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    Diamond Chocolate Sideboard

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    With the style of a precious jewel, the Diamond Chocolate sideboard, colored in chocolate brown, will make a splash in interior design. The exterior of this fanciful piece is now presented in silver leaf finished with a luxurious shade of translucent chocolate brown with high gloss varnish. It has a base made from mahogany lined with a bronze mirror.

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    Stardust Floor Lamp

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    The Stardust floor lamp is a mid-century modern revolving lamp that was inspired by the stellar orbits. The main goal of this lighting design is to light up your mid-century modern home just like the constellations do at night. Constructed out of brass tubing into a rounded oblong shape, this modern floor lamp will shine brightly due to the light cast by the bulbs arranged in the same way as a candelabra.

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    Mondrian Sideboard

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0

    When art becomes a sideboard, your room acquires an evermore-inspiring atmosphere. The Mondrian sideboard is available in black or white and its base is composed of mahogany. It all gets better here – there is a tempered glass that makes the box, mirrored fronts with crystal handles and several details in leather.

    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0


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    Irresistible Living Room Furniture to Discover at Covet NYC 2.0


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