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Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020

Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020

Maison et Objet, an international authority for home decor, interior design, architecture and lifestyle culture, is back. Covet House will be at Hall 8 Stand C13 to showcase powerful curated designs and yes, all of you are invited. Today, we will guide you through a selection of sideboards and console tables that will surely be in the spotlight at Maison et Objet 2020 – stay tuned!

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Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020

The best handmade techniques find balance in a delicate work of wood softened with touches of brass that reflect warm and golden tones on its polished surface. Take a look at every detail and let your soul wander through the luxury lane – it’s the experience itself that matters. The Beyond console table is purely timeless.

Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020



    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020

    A demonstration of both imagination and strong design skills, combined exceptional craftsmanship, Monochrome is a remarkable piece that stands out in any room or setting. It expresses a leading edge outlook through its distinct shape and color. Available in purple and electric blue.

    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020


    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020


    Inspired by Japanese culture, the Koi console is a golden work of art that promises to elevate your idea of luxurious home decor. With a base in brushed aged brass and a top in Nero Marquina marble, this foyer table will add refined elegance to any modern interior design. Lovely, indeed!

    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020


    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020

    The Angra sideboard pays tribute to the historical city of Angra do Heroismo in Azores, Portugal, due to its shape and curved design, offering a tactile focus due to the exquisite marble topGold and black take command and an exclusive atmosphere takes shape.

    Top Sideboards and Console Tables to Discover at Maison et Objet 2020


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