The Luxury, Design and Craftsmanship Summit 2018 is coming your way. An event happening in Oporto we’ve all been waiting for way to long. Consider yourself invited to the best craftsmanship event happening on the 20th and 21st of June.
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Taking place in Oporto, last year’s best european destination and a city of vibrant art events. This Summit promises to showcase the most memorable experience of design, craftsmanship and luxury all in one, with designers, makers and brands all together.
Parallel universes of traditional and contemporary are about to join in order to unreval the secrets that surround and connect them. Thinkers and makers, at the same time and place reflecting the best of what these universes have in common, providing you the ultimate craftsmanship experience.
We’re witnessing a striking time for the world of design, having the best of handcraft all in the same room. If you’re into the power of luxury and potential of craftsmanship, the Luxury, Design and Craftsmanship Summit 2018 is where you want to be.
The event will take place at Pavilhão de Multiusos de Gondomar, in Oporto. Keynote speakers from the sector will share with you all about luxury branding, local craftsmanship and design as cultural heritage, all subjects you don’t want to miss. A once a year experience is about to start, make sure you join us!
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