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Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

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In the world of interior designGérard Faivre, a world-renowned interior designer, ranked among the most influential, has made decoration a true artistic expression. By placing emotion, beauty and life at the heart of his universe, he transforms the classic vision of decoration by giving it a new impetus. Alchemist of modern times, Gérard Faivre is above all a visionary.

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Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

© Boca do Lobo


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

Staying true to the mid-century modern style, the Marco armchair brings an uncommon round shape with curvy and comfortable arms. With a very natural and sleek look, as comfortable as it can get, this accent chair strays true to its origins. A retro-inspired statement.


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

© Insplosion


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

The Galliano wall lamp has a minimalist style that allows you to fit it in every room of your home, regardless of the style of your interior design. Made of iron with a matte black exterior and a gold powder paint interior finishing, Galliano produces a unique lighting effect when you see light being cast through its pipes.


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

© Boca do Lobo


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

The Navis sofa brings with itself the strength of an era – a symbol of courage and daring. The design meets comfort by creating a strong but elegant piece. This sofa puts together velvet, leather and a touch of polished brass in order to offer a discreet but sumptuous contrast.


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

© Mathieu Fiol


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

The Hendrix wall lamp has a round shape that was inspired by a golden vinyl player. Ideal for every single mid-century modern interior, this wall light fixture will bring a smooth lighting effect to your room. 100% handmade in brass, Hendrix showcases a high-quality craftsmanship.


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

© One Hundred Edition


Take a Look at Some Luxurious Living Rooms by Gérard Faivre

The Empire center table is to find itself in the very heart of the most memorable of events and celebrations. It begs meaningful conversation and years of toasts, symbolizing the union of friendship and the celebration of life. Designed and built to make an impression and deliver an unmatched experience, this exquisite piece will add a breathtaking touch of elegance and glamour to your luxury living room.

Featured Image: © One Hundred Edition


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