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Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

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Liza Rachevskaya is a Moscow-based interior designer that founded, in 2010, a studio to give wings to her imagination. Following a successful career in advertising, TV and film production, Liza Rachevskaya Interiors offers high-end, timeless projects with a bold signature and, at the same time, an elegant classic contemporary vibe that is just so irresistible. See for yourself!

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Then she will fall asleep think of that hours of sweet natural sleep, without pain, without drugs.

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Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

© Liza Rachevskaya Interiors


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

Geometric patterns and insightful color combinations give a peaceful tone to this one. The Prisma rug has a minimalist vibe and there’s nothing wrong with that – sometimes, less is more. Exclusive design is about special things and this is one of those.


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

© Liza Rachevskaya Interiors


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

The compelling rotation of the Earth around its own axis inspired the creation of the Earth armchair. Upholstered in cotton velvet, this armchair with shelter-style arms has a unique hammered brass back with a golden polished nailhead trim. It is the barrel chair design piece that will make a statement in a modern interior design.


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

© Liza Rachevskaya Interiors


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

The Duke suspension lamp is inspired by the groovy sound that best describes Duke Ellington. An asymmetrical lamp arrangement that looks irreverent but still an impressive element to fit in modern living room areas. The standard version is composed of 3 arms but it’s possible to choose any number of units.


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

© Liza Rachevskaya Interiors


Liza Rachevskaya: High-end Interiors with a Contemporary Touch

Huang is a mountain range in eastern China known for its spectacular scenery – there you’ll find breathtaking sunsets, majestic pine trees and views of the clouds from above. Huang is also a sideboard and it features an inside in rosewood veneer and details in hammered matte and brushed aged brass – a statement piece like no other.

Featured Image: © Liza Rachevskaya Interiors


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