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Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

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Established in the early 1980s by Joe Nahem and Tom Fox, the New York City firm Fox-Nahem Associates is known for spirited, unpretentious rooms executed in a range of styles. Exuberant mixes of new with vintage and antiques, colors and textures, their work has an edge without being over the top, joining conformability and stylishness in their designs.

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Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

© Fox-Nahem


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

Just like the God of the sky and the rising sun, the Horus plafond lamp promises to be a reference in modern interior design. Featuring a round structure in matte brass and shaders in crackle glass, this lamp is perfect for creating a special reveal over a fierce living room sofa.


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

© Fox-Nahem


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

The Wari were a civilization that flourished in the south-central Andes and coastal area of modern-day Peru. Known for their architectural works and innovations in road networks and terrace fields, which inspired the Inca Empire structures, they are also the inspiration for the Wari rug. Intended to honor the innovative spirit of these people, Wari is a living room rug that easily adapts to every home decor.


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details
© 1stDibs
Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

In the border between Argentina and Brazil, there is one of the most striking views in the world – the Iguazu Falls. The Iguazu armchair perfectly combines the strength of these mesmerizing waterfalls. As a high-back lounge chair, upholstered in cotton velvet and with matte lacquered legs, it will create a comforting corner in any modern interior design.


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

© Fox-Nahem


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

The pyramid of stones on the shore of Lake Baikal, known as Latza, inspired the creation of the Latza center table. Featuring a top in walnut root veneer with a matte varnish and details in matte hammered brushed aged brass, this center table is sure to impress. Gorgeous!


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

© Incollect


Fox-Nahem Associates: Warm Tones, Exuberant Textures and Bold Details

Charismatic by its never-ending contrasts between ancient and contemporary lines, the Baraka sideboard‘s body half brightness combines walnut root veneer with brass details, an interior in bird eye wood veneer and the base in vintage matte brass. This exquisite design piece that stands out outside of historical time will enhance the beauty of Baraka energy into your modern living room set.

Featured Image: © Incollect


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