From the past to the future it’s just a small step. Aiming for timeless ambiances in your living room we bring you our picks for the top exclusive cabinets that really blur the line between vintage and contemporary. Retro-chic? Mid-century modern? Modern classic? These cabinets are all of this and so much more. Stay tuned!
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Monocles is a drinks cabinet produced in classic materials such as solid walnut wood, with additional brass features and front paneling. It is split into two sections – one with a set of shelves and drawers, accented by brass knurling knobs, and the other is a stylish storage space for cocktails – comprising style and functionality.
Heritage is an elegant piece to compliment the decoration of any interior setting. A highly coveted ensemble of hand-painted tiles like those of an expertly curated art collection brings together master artisans and craftsmen for the execution of this piece. In its interior, there is one door and four drawers, fully lined with gold leaf.
Looking for a mid-century design with a contemporary twist? Hepburn stands on four slender and handmade polished brass legs. You can use it as a drinks cabinet, sitting well in a modern home bar or a private country club salon. Interior design is made of iconic details and remarkable pieces – like this one.
D. Manuel
The D. Manuel cabinet is the quintessential work of art for any interior design enthusiast. Paying homage to Portuguese traditions, this cabinet is a symbol of conquest and achievement. Because you won’t be victorious if you don’t accept the challenges of life. You need to take a step further and be unique. The same happens with your home decoration.
This handcrafted, extremely versatile and unique piece, is ideal for storing glassware and fine silver collectibles in a living or dining room – a great compliment to any classic or modern interior setting. The Guggenheim cabinet is available in two finishes (rosewood or palisander), with black lacquered wood top and legs.
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