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Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

mid-century modern designs Timeless Mid-century Modern Designs at Covet Valley gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

by Francisca Ferreira

Covet Valley is where mid-century modern designs meet retro-inspired interiors in one of Europe’s most breathtaking landscapes. Inspired by cinema, music, fashion and architecture from the 1960s, Covet Valley is the ultimate proof that modern interiors can go classic and classic interiors can go modern. Today, we will show you some amazing living room sideboards only to be found at Covet Valley – enjoy!

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Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

Stunningly produced in solid walnut wood, the Anthony sideboard is topped by white polished marble and supported by brass square feet. It brings a playful geometric pattern on its doors, accented by its rounded edges and the brass trim all over the body. Eyes on the future with a foot in the past?

Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley


    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

    Monocles is built entirely out of solid walnut wood, accented by its gold-plated brass front doors. The circles are engraved to the back and side of the unit, giving it an extreme character and high-end look. This sideboard is the perfect piece of furniture for retro lovers or mid-century admirers.

    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley


    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

    Kahn is a sideboard that will bring a strong presence to your living room. Inspired by the monumental and monolithic style of Louis Kahn, it is produced in black poplar, a type of cottonwood, and brass trims that are laid out symmetrically to provide an overall sense of unity and form. The wooden interior is glazed with a soft caramel tone producing a gorgeous effect as you open its drawers.

    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley


    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

    Dandy is a sleek and stylish wooden sideboard. Its body is entirely made of solid walnut wood and it resembles a kitsch radio, because of its shape and the use of grill cloth on the doors. It is accented by a brass trim on the body edges and supported by tapered legs with brass ferrules.

    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley


    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley

    Sideboards are usually made out of wood. Edith is not and that’s why it is a distinctive piece to furnish your living room. It is upholstered with soft velvet and stands out for its high-end look at the top, making use of a grey textured marble. Available in several colors.

    Amazing Living Room Sideboards To Discover at Covet Valley


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