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The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

by João Alves

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

Luxxu is a reference when we talk about innovation, quality and luxury. With the Beyond console, the brand achieved higher levels of notoriety and that is one of the main reasons why Luxxu is so well-known all over the world. Let this piece speak for itself.

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I could be here spending my time talking about being, liking, sharing, doing. Instead, let’s shut the silences of existence with a console that is bound to bring that supremacy to your home decoration in a daring way. Because beauty is timeless and so is Luxxu.

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

The best handmade techniques find balance in a delicate work of wood softened with touches of brass that reflect warm and golden tones on its polished surface. Take a look at every detail and let your soul wander through the luxury lane. It’s the experience itself that matters.

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

An impressive display of elegance, the Beyond console shows the exquisite capacity to fill a variety of ambiances thanks to its luxury presence. An elementary desire for exclusivity is now a possibility for you. Be magnificent, stay on your own path…

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

…and don’t underestimate the power of experience. See it with your own eyes, feel it with your own soul. Get that quintessential aura that makes you feel comfortable at home, that brings the best of different worlds to get you on that cheerful mode. The choice is yours.

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty

From modern to classical environments, Luxxu redefines trends and the concept of furniture. You know some people predict the future, others create their own. Aesthetics are the universal languages of design and only a few can take command. Luxxu is part of that.

The Beyond Console Or How Luxxu Redefined Beauty


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