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A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

Nature is too beautiful to be kept outside so we brought it to be part of your home decor. Nature-inspired sideboards are our theme for today and you can expect a journey through Mother Earth’s most intriguing secrets with a curated selection of modern furniture. Get lost in Nature and discover yourself!

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A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

A tribute to Mother Earth’s heartbeat, the Nazca sideboard reminds the movement triggered by tectonic plates that involve us in an exquisite rhythm. Nazca is structured by brasswalnut wood and passion. It was made for those who always seek a classic touch and feel to their homes, not forgetting the modern aesthetics of these days.


A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

Imagine a stone frozen and freshly cracked to show the entire world a rich, golden interior – that’s the Lapiaz sideboard. This contemporary design is inspired by authentic karst formations created by surface dissolution, freezing and thawing of limestone or dolomite rocks. Finished in polished stainless steel that portrays a perfect mirror, with a poplar root wood veneer interior.

A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards


Baraka is an ancient Sufi word which means ”a blessing – the breath of life – or essence of life”, from which the evolutionary process unfolds. The spirit or Baraka inspired the creation of this sideboard that uses no language because its design speaks magnificent images of natural beauty. This exquisite design product stands outside historical time and will enhance the beauty of the Baraka energy into your modern living room set.

A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

Diamond Metamorphosis

A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

The Diamond Metamorphosis sideboard questions the meaning of beauty and seeks to provoke a reaction. This is what we call art furniture – an attempt to blend contemporary design with artsy details. May your living room be an endless canvas where you paint your own dreams.

A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards



    A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards

    Huang is a mountain range in eastern China known for its spectacular scenery – there you’ll find breathtaking sunsets, majestic pine trees and views of the clouds from above. Huang is also a sideboard and it features an inside in rosewood veneer and details in hammered matte and brushed aged brass – a statement piece like no other.

    A Tribute to Mother Earth: 5 Nature-inspired Sideboards


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