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Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

Amy Lau founded her New York design firm in 2001. Her portfolio of luxurious residential interiors includes an array of artistic and sophisticated homes throughout the world. Her work has been featured in Architectural Digest, The New York Times, Elle Decor, House Beautiful, Martha Stewart Living and Luxe Interiors + Design. Plus, her interior designs are beautiful – see for yourself!

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Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

© Dering Hall


Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

The Vamp II‘s sexy, mysterious and curvaceous lines give this sofa highly acclaimed glamour. Upholstered in sumptuous fabric elegantly ruched around the back, this luscious sofa perfect is for lounging. Its base comes in aged brass with a high gloss finish.



    © The Designer Society


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    Developed by a Portuguese jewelry artisan, the Wave center table is made of hand-hammered copper with a black mirror top. It’s also available in brass and polished stainless steel. This center table is the result of the purest and most authentic craftsmanship techniques. Life is a wave, just catch it.


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    © Dering Hall


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    With origins in South Africa, the Calla lily flower is one of the most graceful things Nature has conceived. Inspired by its delicacy, the Calla suspension lamp was created. With a distinguished aged brass top in the shape of elegant leaves, the beauty of this suspension lamp is undeniable.


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    © One Hundred Edition


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    With a unique and stunning design, Charlotte stuns in its beautiful customizable textile, polished brass and glossy black legs. It might be the mid-century inspiration, it could be the simple but sleek lines, perhaps even the textile and materials, but no one can resist this armchair. Trust us!


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    © Amy Lau


    Warmth, Expressiveness and Detail: Living Rooms by Amy Lau

    Stunningly produced in solid walnut wood, the Anthony sideboard is topped by white polished marble and supported by brass square feet. It brings a playful geometric pattern on its doors, accented by its rounded edges and the brass trim all over the body. Eyes on the future with a foot in the past?

    Featured Image: © Amy Lau


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