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New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

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by Bruno Silva

Small elements make big things happen – that’s why luxury is in each detail. Whether you like it simple or conceptual, abstract or elementary, the living room rugs on this list promise to shake things up for the good in 2019. There’s always a rug that captures the essence of our personality through colorsshapes and textures. Keep your eyes peeled – maybe you’ll find it here.

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New Living Room Rugs You Will CovetNew Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

The Oslo rug is a textured, minimalist, soothing piece of contemporary design. In fact, the most thrilling designs have this particular characteristic – to be one with the space itself as an organic extension to the whole atmosphere. It feels dynamic and uniform at the same time.

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

Imperial Snake

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

Nature might be fierce and dangerous, but it’s always divine and enchanting. The Imperial Snake rug embodies this idea and adds a minimal touch that transforms the whole piece into an exclusive design statement. Some things were made to feel special and this rug is part of that for sure.

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

La Land

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

The La Land rug is a huge abstract splash of color right in the middle of your living room. Imagine that Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock were drawing a rug – this would be the final result. Sometimes, all you need is something like this to give a breath of fresh air to your home decor.

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet


New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

We should never underestimate the visual power of design. Space and time give way to the vortex of illusion in the Lucy rug – it’s all a matter of perspective and imagination. An architectural masterwork and a metaphysical experience.

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet


New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet

Interior design always wears the colors of the soul and, in this case, our souls are painted in red, yellow and blue. The Bauhau rug is as abstract as it is magical – it produces a dreamy yet realistic atmosphere that absorbs you without even asking for it. Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication!

New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet


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New Living Room Rugs You Will Covet


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