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Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

Your room decor is already beautiful, but you feel like it’s missing something? We got you! At Sideboards and Buffets Blog we bring the best selection of outstanding design pieces for your home. Today we show you Modern And Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor. Stay tuned and get inspired!

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Soho Sideboard

Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

A true icon in the world of design, this piece is recognized by its attitude and irreverence never seen in any part of the world! Its drawers are made with unique and different techniques with materials that range from glass to wood, lacquer colour to mirror and gold leaf, refined with brass handles.

Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor


    Diamond Emerald Sideboard

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

    Looking like a precious jewel, you’ll be mesmerized by this piece, everytime you see it! Colored in emerald green it will for sure be a piece that causes impact. It features three highly scultured doors leading to a gold leaf interior with shelving and two drawers.

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

    Mondrian Black Sideboard

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

    If you’re looking for a artsy look piece, than maybe Mondrian is the ideal one for you. Bringing an inspiring atmosphere to any room, this sideboard is more that an utilitarian furniture piece. It is a true collectable element with a timeless design and luxurious presence.

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

    Majestic Sideboard

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor

    A perfect modern black design, highly stylish that offers a generous amount of storage space without using much space in your room. It features four flush doors that open discreetly showing an elegant interior with sophisticated drawers and functional shelving.

    Modern and Luxurious Sideboards To Complete Your Room Decor


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