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Living Room Projects by Mark Cunningham

Mark Cunningham spent over fifteen years as a Creative Executive at Ralph Lauren, before starting his own design firm in 2005. Mark Cunningham Inc. has worked on a wide range of diverse projects on every scale, from residential interiors to hotel design as well as architectural consultation and retail concepts. Renowned for his curated, yet comfortable interior compositions and singular style, Mark has been honored to be included in the yearly list of America’s top designers by Elle Decor and Architectural Digest.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Living Room Projects by Sasha Bikoff


© Boca do Lobo


The Mansfield armchair combines the retro velvet touch with the 60’s sleek lines. It is an accent barrel chair atop a sophisticated swivel polished brass base. Its iconic low-slung and crescent shape make it a vintage icon for anyone who’s into contemporary design.


© Mark Cunningham Inc


Mid-century modern design has never looked so posh as the Sofia sofa. Its two-seat, vintage shape is modernly revamped by Koket with its plush curves being cupped by a lustrous, linear metal base. A timeless classic for sure.


© Cabbage Rose


Baraka is an ancient Sufi world which means ”a blessing or as the breath, or essence of life” from which the evolutionary process unfolds – that’s where the Baraka cupboard came from. Charismatic by its never-ending contrasts between ancient and contemporary lines, its body’s half brightness combines walnut root veneer with brass details flawlessly.


© DK Decor


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Nina Simone was the inspiration for this dazzling mid-century modern chandelier. Handmade in brass, this modern lamp has three lampshades in aluminum that feature a glossy black finish and three visible textile red wires above the large lampshades. The three arms are united by a gold plated ring, showing high-level craftsmanship

Featured Image: © DK Decor


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