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Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

A New York City Luxury Guide For ICFF #2: Museums icff A New York City Luxury Guide For ICFF #2: Museums gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

Kris Turnbull Studios aims to bring a modern approach to a luxury lifestyle and that’s exactly why this interior design firm is so highly sought after. With a creative team that offers the best interior design, architecture, interior architecture and styling services, Kris Turnbull is definitely a reference to all the contemporary interior design community. For now, let’s have a look at some amazing ambiances by this amazing company!

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Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

It’s been 12 years since Kris Turnbull established his company and, since then, a lot has changed – for the good! Kris Turnbull Studios is an award-winning and leading interior architectural practice that creates unique and inspirational residential, super-prime development and hospitality projects worldwide. It is a globally-recognized brand and an expert in contemporary luxury and design.


    Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

    Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

    Kris Turnbull is always looking for ways to warm a space through textures, colors and shapes. He has a very natural gift to mix trendy elements with traditional concepts, great attention to detail and a wonderful collection of furnishings and fabrics. From the UK to the whole wide world, Kris Turnbull will always have the ultimate solution for your future projects!

    Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

    Kris Turnbull Studios: A Modern Approach to a Luxury Lifestyle

    “Every project we design reflects our clients’ personality and signature style. The combination of fabrics and furnishings is determined by their lifestyle and ultimately the ambiance we create is a reflection of their individuality. The diversity of our clients’ tastes and desires and the projects we work on is just so exciting and that’s why we love what we do!” – Kris Turnbull


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