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Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier

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Design represents solutions, communication, function, aesthetics, language, art – all at the same time. The piece we are presenting you today is bound to make your bedroom breathe life in subtle ways. You already know that your home decor must reflect your personality so the Huang cabinet is here to please all your desires. Have a look!

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Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier

Huang is a mountain range in eastern China known for its spectacular scenery. There you’ll find breathtaking sunsets, majestic pine trees and views of the clouds from above. In the interior design world, Huang gives its name to a brilliant creation by Brabbu.

Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier

It features an outside in walnut root veneer, an inside in rosewood veneer and details in matte hammered brushed aged brass. This wood cabinet brings instant character to any modern interior design. The best ambiances are coming to you.

Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier

This piece is all about details and textures. Deeply inspired by nature, Brabbu is capable of the most mesmerizing creations. It tells you a story made of lines and shapes, inspiring you through the greatest craftsmanship.

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Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier

Luxury is a path and maybe you’ll find some questions on your way. Well, Brabbu has the answers. If you’re looking for the perfect contemporary ambiance, you just found it. Make it bold, make it fierce.

Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier


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Huang Cabinet By Brabbu: Design As The Great Unifier


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