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Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

A New York City Luxury Guide For ICFF #2: Museums icff A New York City Luxury Guide For ICFF #2: Museums gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw

Galli Interiors & Manufacture gathers all you need for your future interior design projects in one single firm. Being a pioneer in the industry since 1890, Galli provides you with complete interior decoration, architecture and custom-built furniture services. We are talking about five generations of interior creators that translate ancient knowledge into the future flawlessly – you can never go wrong with an interior design firm like this!

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Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

Galli is constantly searching for novelties and that probably explains the success they’ve had throughout the years. With a 400 square meter showroom in the center of Geneve, Galli is able to give you an up-to-date idea of current decorating trends for interior and exterior furniture, lamps, fabrics and ornamental objects.

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

Galli works with the best design brands worldwide in order to give that complementary touch to every project. We are talking about brands such as Porcelanosa, Baccarat, Delightfull, Brabbu, Porada, Ralph Lauren, Hermès Home or Selva, among others. Whether for apartments, houses, hotels or chalets, Galli’s design office professionals, in association with their craftsmen, have the know-how for carrying out interior design projects and plans that will reflect your personality.

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design

If you want to know more about this inspiring company, visit their website here – you won’t regret it!

Galli Interiors & Manufacture: The Finest Contemporary Interior Design


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