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Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

Interior design always wears the colors of the spirit and today we’re making it golden so you can shine harder than anything else. Luxury sideboards with unique golden details are our theme for today and, if you’re looking for bright ambiances and glossy settings on your living room, do yourself a favor and read this article. Luxury is a state of mind, a lifestyle, a way of moving forward.

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Crystal Orchid Gold Leaf Sideboard by Swarovski

Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

© Swarovski

Swarovski’s Crystal Orchid Gold Leaf Sideboard a striking, true statement of minimal but elegant design inspired by shimmering jewels. Current exquisite clean sinuous lines, the ultimate in contemporary design for those that have a love for design and the understated simplicity in fine detailing. To suit both a classic or contemporary interior, its versatility is boundless.

Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

© Swarovski

Lapiaz Sideboard by Boca do Lobo

Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

© Boca do Lobo

Consisting of two individual modules, the Lapiaz sideboard is finished in polished stainless steel that portrays a perfect mirror, with a poplar root wood veneer on the inside. Curated design goes hand in hand with artistic elements and Lapiaz is a reflection of that. How beautiful is it?

Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

© Boca do Lobo

Modern Black Crocodile & Rosegold High Gloss Sideboard by A&X Talin


Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details


© A&X Talin

The A&X Talin’s Modern Black Crocodile & Rosegold sideboard features a classy black crocodile textured top and door fronts with lustrous black high gloss sides. This unique design features two 2-door cabinets, each with 2 inside shelves offering you adequate storage. The doors feature curved edges and rosegold handles. Rosegold accents highlight the edges of the sideboard top, lower ends of cabinet doors, and base.

Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

© A&X Talin


    Angra Sideboard by Boca do Lobo

    Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

    © Boca do Lobo

    The Angra sideboard pays tribute to the historical city of Angra do Heroismo in Azores, Portugal, due to its shape and curved design, offering a tactile focus due to the exquisite marble topGold and black take command and an exclusive atmosphere takes shape.

    Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

    © Boca do Lobo

    Odyssey H Gold Sideboard by Cypraea

    Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

    © Rossana Orlandi

    The Odyssey Collection aims to surprise and to astound through the contrast between the natural elements and man-made materials that merge into one another, without blending. The virtually impossible balance of the sideboard on top of the stones, their spin and dynamism represent disorientation during the voyage, the journey and the odyssey in the deep ocean. The mirrored surfaces recall the ocean surface. The last surprise comes from the interiors of this unique design that are lined in premium gleaming leather. This quintessential art furniture design is by Francesco Maria Messina.

    Exclusive Design: Luxury Sideboards With Unique Golden Details

    © Rossana Orlandi

    Featured Image: © Rossana Orlandi


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