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Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs frank de biasi Frank de Biasi: Living Rooms Made of History and Art gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw ashe leandro ASHE LEANDRO: Dining Rooms With Instinct, Ingenuity and Humor WhatsApp Image 2019 10 25 at 15

For Monique Gibson, designing is about personality. It’s about listening to her clients and learning – and enabling them to discover – how they want to live. Her incredible body of work and talent made it possible for her to decorate the house of stars such as Elton John, Meg Ryan and Jon Bon Jovi. Looking for modern living rooms with a classic touch? Look no further!

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Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

© Architectural Digest


Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

The Lowlands of Scotland are called Lallans, which also refers to a combination of some Scottish dialects. Just like the Lallan center table, that combines four different materials and finishes, such as palisander wood veneer, black lacquerpolished brass and antique brass. Despite their asymmetry, these blend perfectly into an elegant round center table.



    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    © 1stDibs


    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    Metamorphosis is the transformation process from caterpillar to butterfly – it inspired the creation of the Essex sofa. This sofa is upholstered in velvet and has a base in aged brass matte that adds charisma. It will add refined elegance to any living room set that only velvet sofas are capable of.


    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    © Monique Gibson


    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    The snake is one of the oldest and most well-known mythological symbols, being present in different cultures with similar meanings. The Imperial Snake rug is the most luxurious of our snake-based rugs, with its cream colors framing an elaborate and trendy design.


    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    © Architectural Digest


    Designing For The People: Living Rooms by Monique Gibson

    Dandy is a sleek and stylish wooden sideboard. Its body is entirely made of solid walnut wood and it resembles a kitsch radio, because of its shape and the use of grill cloth on the doors. It is accented by a brass trim on the body edges and supported by tapered legs with brass ferrules.

    Featured Image: © Architectural Digest


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