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Dandy Sideboard: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor

Interior design is made of fantasies, dreams and legends. Today we brought you a very special sideboard to get you through the weekend in the most inspirational way. Here’s Dandy, the missing piece in your home decor.

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Mid-century decoration would never be the same without Essential Home. They bring serious amounts of innovation, exuberance and beauty into each piece created. They illuminate your path… just like the stars in the sky at night.

Dandy: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor

Dandy is a sleek and stylish sideboard. The best from scandinavian design roots was carefully selected and now all the stars collide into a single ray. Suddenly, vision leads to creation and magic happens.

Dandy: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor

Since it is very versatile, it can be used as a drinks cabinet and be placed in both living or dressing room. It makes every environment look gorgeous, elegant and sophisticated. A true legend for your home decor.

Dandy: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor

Its body is entirely made of solid walnut wood and it resembles a kitsch radio because of its shape and the use of grill cloth on the doors. It is accented by a brass trim on the body edges and supported by tapered legs with brass ferrules.

Dandy: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor

The Dandy sideboard reminds me of a book. More than being an object, it tells you a story. It makes you wander through your ultimate passions, desires and pleasures. Mid-century dreams are made of this and Essential Home is all about that.

Dandy: A Mid-Century Legend For Your Home Decor


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