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Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

As the founder and owner of the legendary Milanese design gallery Nilufar, Nina Yashar doesn’t simply follow trends – she starts new movements and breaks from old ones by boldly blending the historic with the contemporary, the local with the foreign. She’ll mix an 18th Century Tibetan cabinet with a modern Scandinavian rug and a Chinese chandelier, and then add works by the great mid-century Italian designers. Most of all, Yashar believes in using design to tell stories.

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Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

© NUVO Magazine


Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

The Inca Empire was a remarkable civilization known for its brilliantly weaved and colored clothes. The Inca armchair took inspiration from this compelling culture. Upholstered in cotton velvet and with legs in ebony wood veneer with a glossy varnish, this mid-century modern accent chair will stand beautifully in a living room set.



    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    © Pamono


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    Waves are formed when energy passes through the water, making it move in a circular motion. Taking inspiration from this impressive movement of the water, the Ombak wall lamp was born. Meaning waves in Indonesian, Ombak has an aged brushed brass structure and a blown glass diffuser that will spread a dazzling light across any room.


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    © The Spaces


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    Interior design always wears the colors of the soul and, in this case, our souls are painted in red, yellow and blue. The Bauhau rug is as abstract as it is magical – it produces a dreamy yet realistic atmosphere that absorbs you without even asking for it. Nothing beats simplicity!


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    © The Spaces


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    The delicate, crystal-clear clarity of a teardrop is revamped by Koket in the Tears II cocktail table. A striking combination of shaped glass and metal, its name takes a double meaning when the tear-shaped top swivels out to become a tiered cocktail table. As glamorous as it can get.


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    © Wallpaper*


    Culture, Art and Contemporary Design: Interiors by Nina Yashar

    Stunningly produced in solid walnut wood, the Anthony sideboard is topped by white polished marble and supported by brass square feet. It brings a playful geometric pattern on its doors, accented by its rounded edges and the brass trim all over the body. Eyes on the future with a foot in the past?

    Featured Image: © Wallpaper*


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