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Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

Ishka Designs is a Brooklyn-based interior design firm specializing in vacation properties, restaurants and residences globally. Brought to you by Anishka Clarke and Niya Bascom, Ishka Designs is synonymous with clean, modern, eclectic and simplistically beautiful interiors. From space planning and lighting design to architectural design and custom furniture, among many others, Ishka Designs is the go-to firm you should look out for in the future. Scroll down and see for yourself!

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Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

© New York Spaces


Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

The Koi carp is a recurring symbol of Japanese culture, highly appreciated by its decorative purposes, appearing most commonly in tattoos. Its natural color mutations reveal their capacity to adapt, just like the Koi rug in hand-tufted tencel, with its neutral earthy tones to better fit in your ambiances. The Koi rug goes well in a living room or bedroom with either neutral or colorful furniture.



    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

    © Pinterest


    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

    The Hudson armchair is probably one of our most classic design pieces. It tends to be sober thanks to its occasional design, but it really stands out because of its leather upholstery. The body structure is produced in solid walnut wood with metal shoes on its legs, made of polished brass. It has a little degree reclining, perfect for a zen moment in your living room.


    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

    © Le Blog du Rob



    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs


    Designed from the soft blend of emotional yet beautiful lines, the Gala suspension lamp is the perfect outcome of brass and crystal glass. A superb piece for timeless creations, it features classic elements with a modern design vision. A majestic addition to your home decor.


    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

    © Elle Decor


    Clean, Modern and Simplistically Beautiful Interiors by Ishka Designs

    Stunningly produced in solid walnut wood, the Anthony sideboard is topped by white polished marble and supported by brass square feet. It brings a playful geometric pattern on its doors, accented by its rounded edges and the brass trim all over the body. Eyes on the future with a foot in the past?

    Featured Image: © Elle Decor


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